Category: Analysis

The Deepest Dive: Illustration Arbitrage in Participating Loans

Throughout our latest series, we’ve been on a journey to better understand loans… and we’re thankful you’ve come along! Recently, we’ve explored how Fixed Participating and Variable Participating loans work, and now we’re taking our deepest dive yet. In this final edition, we’ll explore a powerful, yet sometimes controversial element of loans…. Arbitrage! Check out The Deepest Dive: Illustration Arbitrage in Participating Loans where we cover both the regulatory and illustration environment, and the result to the consumer.

Wait, What? How Much Can You Accelerate with a Chronic Illness Rider?

Wait, What? How Much Can You Accelerate with a Chronic Illness Rider?

We zeroed in on the riders available on life insurance. The most prevalent are chronic illness riders. Not much attention has been given to how widely benefit amounts can vary or what the actual cost to accelerate is (at the time of claim). Read on to see what we found.